Genomic-surveillance of-Anopheles-mosquitoes-on-the-Bijagós-Archipelago
Next generation targeted amplicon sequencing for insecticide resistance mutations in Aedes aegypti
Barcoding method for the genetic surveillance of insecticide resistance and species identification in Anopheles gambiae
Environmental detection, quantification, and molecular characterization of Anopheles stephensi and Aedes aegypti
Endogenous viral elements within Aedes mosquitos
Flavivirus integrations in Aedes aegypti
Identification of two insecticide resistance markers in Ethiopian Anopheles stephensi mosquitoes
Surveillance of Aedes aegypti populations, Zika virus infection, insecticide resistance and genetic diversity
Genomic-surveillance of-Anopheles-mosquitoes-on-the-Bijagós-Archipelago
Insecticide resistance is reducing the efficacy of vector control interventions, consequently threatening efforts to control vector-borne diseases, including malaria. Investigating the prevalence of molecular markers of resistance is a useful tool for monitoring the spread of insecticide resistance in disease vectors. The Bijagós Archipelago (Bijagós) in Guinea-Bissau is a region of stable malaria transmission where insecticide-treated nets are the mainstay for malaria control. However, the prevalence of molecular markers of insecticide resistance in malaria vectors is not well understood.
A total of 214 Anopheles mosquitoes were analysed from 13 islands across the Bijagós. These mosquitoes were collected using CDC light traps in November 2019, during the peak malaria transmission season. High-throughput multiplex amplicon sequencing was used to investigate the prevalence of 17 different molecular markers associated with insecticide resistance in four genes: vgsc, rdl, ace1 and gste2.
Of the 17 screened mutations, four were identified in mosquitoes from the Bijagós: vgsc L995F (12.2%), N1570Y (6.2%) and A1746S (0.7%) and rdl A269G (1.1%). This study is the first to report the L995F knock-down resistance (kdr)-west allele in Anopheles melas on the Archipelago. An additional eight non-synonymous single-nucleotide polymorphisms were identified across the four genes which have not been described previously. The prevalences of the vgsc L995F and N1570Y mutations were higher on Bubaque Island than on the other islands in this study; Bubaque is the most populous island in the archipelago, with the greatest population mobility and connection to continental Guinea-Bissau.
This study provides the first surveillance data for genetic markers present in malaria vectors from islands across the Bijagós Archipelago. Overall prevalence of insecticide resistance mutations was found to be low. However, the identification of the vgsc L995F and N1570Y mutations associated with pyrethroid resistance warrants further monitoring. This is particularly important as the mainstay of malaria control on the islands is the use of pyrethroid insecticide-treated nets.
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Next generation targeted amplicon sequencing for insecticide resistance mutations in Aedes aegypti
Aedes mosquito vectors transmit many viruses of global health concern, including dengue, chikungunya and Zika. These vector-borne viral diseases have a limited number of treatment options, and vaccines vary in their effectiveness. Consequently, integrated vector management is a primary strategy for disease control. However, the increasing emergence and spread of insecticide resistance is threatening the efficacy of vector control methods. Identifying mutations associated with resistance in vector populations is important to monitor the occurrence and evolution of insecticide resistance and inform control strategies. Rapid and cost-effective genome sequencing approaches are urgently needed. Here we present an adaptable targeted amplicon approach for cost-effective implementation within next generation sequencing platforms. This approach can identify single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and small insertions and deletions (indels) in genes involved in insecticide resistance in Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. We designed and tested eleven amplicons, which included segments of the ace-1 (carbamate target), the Voltage-Gated Sodium Channel (vgsc; pyrethroids, DDT and organochlorines), and rdl (dieldrin) genes; thereby covering established knockdown resistance (kdr) mutations (e.g., S989P, I1011M/V, V1016G/I and F1534C), with the potential to identify novel ones. The amplicon assays were designed with internal barcodes, to facilitate multiplexing of large numbers of mosquitoes at low cost, and were sequenced using an Illumina platform. Our approach was evaluated on 152 Ae. aegypti mosquitoes collected in Cabo Verde, an archipelago with a history of arbovirus outbreaks. The amplicon sequence data revealed 146 SNPs, including four non-synonymous polymorphisms in the vgsc gene, one in ace-1 and the 296S rdl mutation previously associated with resistance to organochlorines. The 296S rdl mutation was identified in 98% of mosquitoes screened, consistent with the past use of an organochlorine compound (e.g., DDT). Overall, our work shows that targeted amplicon sequencing is a rapid, robust, and cost-effective tool that can be used to perform high throughput monitoring of insecticide resistance.
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Barcoding method for the genetic surveillance of insecticide resistance and species identification in Anopheles gambiae
Surveillance of malaria vector species and the monitoring of insecticide resistance are essential to inform malaria control strategies and support the reduction of infections and disease. Genetic barcoding of mosquitoes is a useful tool to assist the high-throughput surveillance of insecticide resistance, discriminate between sibling species and to detect the presence of Plasmodium infections. In this study, we combined multiplex PCR, custom designed dual indexing, and Illumina next generation sequencing for high throughput single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)-profiling of four species from the Anopheles (An.) gambiae complex (An. gambiae sensu stricto, An. coluzzii, An. arabiensis and An. melas). By amplifying and sequencing only 14 genetic fragments (500 bp each), we were able to simultaneously detect Plasmodium infection; insecticide resistance-conferring SNPs in ace1, gste2, vgsc and rdl genes; the partial sequences of nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacers (ITS1 and ITS2) and intergenic spacers (IGS), Short INterspersed Elements (SINE), as well as mitochondrial genes (cox1 and nd4) for species identification and genetic diversity. Using this amplicon sequencing approach with the four selected An. gambiae complex species, we identified a total of 15 non-synonymous mutations in the insecticide target genes, including previously described mutations associated with resistance and two new mutations (F1525L in vgsc and D148E in gste2). Overall, we present a reliable and cost-effective high-throughput panel for surveillance of An. gambiae complex mosquitoes in malaria endemic regions.
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Environmental detection, quantification, and molecular characterization of Anopheles stephensi and Aedes aegypti
The invasion and establishment of An. stephensi mosquitoes in the Horn of Africa represents a significant regional threat, which may jeopardise malaria control, particularly in urban areas which were formally free from disease transmission. Novel vector surveillance methods are urgently needed, both agnostic to mosquito larval morphology, and simple to implement at the sampling stage. Using new multiplex TaqMan assays, specifically targeting An. stephensi and Ae. aegypti, we validated the use of environmental DNA (eDNA) for simultaneous vector detection in shared artificial breeding sites. Study findings demonstrated that An. stephensi and Ae. aegypti eDNA deposited by as few as one second instar larva in 1L of water was detectable. Characterization of molecular insecticide resistance mechanisms, using novel amplicon-sequencing panels for both vector species, was possible from eDNA shed by as few as 16–32 s instar larvae in 50 ml of water. An. stephensi eDNA, derived from emergent pupae for 24 h, was remarkably stable, and still detectable ~ 2 weeks later. eDNA surveillance has the potential to be implemented in local endemic communities and at points of country entry, to monitor the spread of invasive vector species. Further studies are required to validate the feasibility of this technique under field conditions
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Endogenous viral elements within Aedes mosquitos
Aedes genera mosquitos are the main vectors for Dengue, Zika and West Nile viral infections, which affect millions of people each year and have limited treatment options. Understanding how Aedes mosquitos tolerate high viral load may lead to better treatment methods and transmission blocking strategies. In particular, integrated viral sequences (“EVEs”) within vector genomes may give exploitable biological insights. Using a robust bioinformatic approach, 10,644 flavivirus genomes were BLAST matched against two genome assemblies of Ae. aegypti and three assemblies of Ae. albopictus. We found that flaviviruses have integrated into Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus genomes no more than four and nine times respectively, almost an order of magnitude lower than previous reports. Xishuangbanna aedes and Menghai aedes like flaviviruses seem to have been integrated into Ae. aegypti, and the EVEs were confirmed as non-contaminants using long sequence read analysis. Whilst, Bangkok or Kamiti River like viruses seem to have integrated into the Ae. albopictus genome. The EVEs between the two Aedes species have little similarity, suggesting different evolutionary origins of integrations and potential differential viral tolerance between the vectors. Our analysis suggests the flaviviruses integrated as long sequences and were subsequently fragmented and shuffled by transposable elements. Overall, our re-evaluation of viral integration events will inform experiments that could provide new insights into the role of mosquito EVEs on viral tolerance, leading to disease control strategies.
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Flavivirus integrations in Aedes aegypti
Mosquitoes of the genus Aedes are the main vectors of many viruses, e.g. dengue and Zika, which affect millions of people each year and for which there are limited treatment options. Understanding how Aedes mosquitoes tolerate high viral loads may lead to better disease control strategies. Elucidating endogenous viral elements (EVEs) within vector genomes may give exploitable biological insights. Previous studies have reported the presence of a large number of EVEs in Aedes genomes. Here we investigated if flavivirus EVEs are conserved across populations and different Aedes species by using ~ 500 whole genome sequence libraries from Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus, sourced from colonies and field mosquitoes across continents. We found that nearly all flavivirus EVEs in the Ae. aegypti reference genome originate from four separate putative viral integration events, and that they are highly conserved across geographically diverse samples. By contrast, flavivirus EVEs in the Ae. albopictus reference genome originate from up to nine distinct integration events and show low levels of conservation, even within samples from narrow geographical ranges. Our analysis suggests that flaviviruses integrated as long sequences and were subsequently fragmented and shuffled by transposable elements. Given that EVEs of Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus belong to different phylogenetic clades and have very differing levels of conservation, they may have different evolutionary origins and potentially different functional roles.
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Identification of two insecticide resistance markers in Ethiopian Anopheles stephensi mosquitoes
Since its first detection in 2012 in Djibouti, Anopheles stephensi has invaded and established in the Horn of Africa, and more recently Nigeria. The expansion of this vector poses a significant threat to malaria control and elimination efforts. Integrated vector management is the primary strategy used to interrupt disease transmission; however, growing insecticide resistance is threatening to reverse gains in global malaria control. We present a next-generation amplicon-sequencing approach, for high-throughput monitoring of insecticide resistance genes (ace1, GSTe2, vgsc and rdl), species identification and characterization of genetic diversity (its2 and cox1) in An. stephensi. Ninety-five An. stephensi mosquitoes, collected in Ethiopia, were screened, identifying 104 SNPs, including the knock-down mutation L958F (L1014F in Musca domestica), and for the first time in this vector species, the A296S substitution (A301S in Drosophila melanogaster) in the rdl locus. Two other amino acid substitutions (ace1-N177D, GSTe2-V189L) were also identified but have not been previously implicated in insecticide resistance. Genetic diversity in the mitochondrial cox1 gene revealed shared haplotypes between Ethiopian An. stephensi with samples from Pakistan, Sudan, and Djibouti. Overall, we present a reliable, cost-effective strategy using amplicon-sequencing to monitor known insecticide resistance mutations, with the potential to identify new genetic variants, to assist in the high-throughput surveillance of insecticide resistance in An. stephensi populations.
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We have established a network (V-CAMPAIGN) to introduce genomic technologies that will allow the developing an understanding of how mosquito control initiatives and patient therapies affect genetic diversity in both the vectors and pathogens; and their consequent impact. This goal will be achieved by integrating sequencing and genotyping of mosquito samples (including their pathogens) from Asia (Malaysia and Philippines), Africa (Kenya, Malawi and Cabo Verde) and South America (Brazil), and analyzing the resulting genetic data with epidemiological meta data (e.g. vector control measures, geographical location, species, mosquito abundance, insecticide use) together.
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Surveillance of Aedes aegypti populations, Zika virus infection, insecticide resistance and genetic diversity
Aedes spp. are responsible for the transmission of many arboviruses, which contribute to rising human morbidity and mortality worldwide. The Aedes aegypti mosquito is a main vector for chikungunya, dengue and yellow fever infections, whose incidence have been increasing and distribution expanding. This vector has also driven the emergence of the Zika virus (ZIKV), first reported in Africa which spread rapidly to Asia and more recently across the Americas. During the outbreak in the Americas, Cape Verde became the first African country declaring a Zika epidemic, with confirmed cases of microcephaly. Here we investigate the prevalence of ZIKV and dengue (DENV) infected Ae. aegypti mosquitoes in the weeks following the outbreak in Cape Verde, and the presence of insecticide resistance in the circulating vector population. Genetic diversity in the mosquito population was also analysed.
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